This is what a nursing toddler looks like

by threegirlpileup

This is for It’s All About the Hat’s “This is what a nursing toddler looks like” blog carnival.

All of these pictures were taken by the wonderful artist Judith Kuegler Webster.  Check out her website and buy some of her art!


I actually pulled these pictures together for another purpose, so the youngest child in any of them is about two.  Well, Anna was one in the tandem nursing pic, but Maggie obviously is about over two.

There are a million things I could say about nursing past infancy, but the biggest thing is that for me it has been such an integral part of my mothering that I can’t imagine having done it any other way.  I’m so thankful for the supportive community that has made it easy to follow my children’s lead on this path of the heart.  I look at these pictures and see so much love and joy, and ultimately that’s what it’s all about.

As a bonus, I’ll attach a flyer that can be shared with physicians or others who want some DATA on nursing older babies and children.  It details the research related to “extended” nursing, and is obsessively referenced.

Breastfeeding Beyond Infancy: Information for Clinicians

Enjoy, and feel free to copy and share as you like.  Please just leave it intact, with the references in place.